This procedure is required to improve vision that has been impaired by clouding of the capsule following cataract surgery (see Posterior Capsule Opacification).

The procedure requires the pupil to be dilated, which causes blurring of the vision. You will need someone to drive you home and the vision will improve within 3 to 4 hours. A local anaesthetic drop is applied to numb the surface of the eye. This is done to allow the use of a contact lens during the procedure, without causing any discomfort. The lens is removed immediately after the procedure.

The YAG laser looks very much like a slit lamp that is used during routine ophthalmology assessments. You are required to place your chin on a rest and maintain fixation on a target while the procedure is performed. The capsule has no sensation and consequently there is no discomfort during the treatment. The entire process only lasts a few minutes.

No dressing is required, and no specific treatment is needed following the laser. There are no restrictions to your activity, with the exception of driving, which must be avoided for 4 hours or until the pupil is no longer dilated.